1tspcorn flourdissolved in small quantity of water
milkto brush pastry
Complete Recipe Steps
Allow the pastry sheets to defrost on a flat surface. Take care not to bend the frozen sheets as they will break.
6-10 sheets puff pastry
Finely chop the onion. Trim the bacon rashers of all fat and finely chop to same consistency as the minced beef.
1 onion, 2 rashers bacon
Mix the minced beef, finely chopped onion and bacon together. Add 2 tablespoons of dry sherry. Mix well. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
500 g mince beef, 2 tbsp dry sherry, salt, pepper
Heat 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil in a saucepan over medium high heat. Stir in the minced beef and bacon mixture. Cook until minced meat starts to brown, using a wooden spoon to continually break up the meat. Mix cornflour in small amount of water. Stir cornflour into meat mixture just before removing from heat. This will thicken the sauce.
2 tbsp rice bran oil, 1 tsp corn flour
Cook for a further 1-2 minutes, then remove from heat and allow to cool.
Whisk the egg, then add to meat mixture when sufficiently cooled. Mix well. The egg will help to bind the meat together.
1 egg
While the minced beef and bacon mixture is cooling down, use a cup or cookie cutter to cut circular pieces out of the softened puff pastry.
Preheat oven to 180ºC or 360ºF. Brush one piece of puff pastry with water, then place on top of another piece face down to form a thicker base. The water will ensure the pastry sticks together even when cooked. Using a small spoon put some of the minced beef and bacon mixture on the centre of the two round pastry pieces leaving a 1cm ring around the outside edge.
Brush the outer clear space of the pastry with water. Place another round piece of puff pastry on top. Gently press around the outer edge with the back of a fork to seal all three round pieces of the pastry together. Gently prick the top pastry round with a small fork. Place the finished pâté on an oven tray lined up with baking paper. Repeat for the remaining puff pastry and minced beef and bacon mixture.
Bake in oven at the mid position for 18-20 minutes. When patés are nearly cooked, brush with milk and allow to cook until the patés are a light golden brown.