Chickpea Flour (Besann)

Chickpea flour, also known as gram flour or besann, is a powerhouse in the kitchen. From its intriguing origin and history to its various uses in everyday cooking, let’s explore the wonders of this gluten-free flour.

About Chickpea Flour (Besann)

Chickpea Flour (Besann)

Originating from the Indian subcontinent, chickpea flour has been a staple in traditional Indian, Middle Eastern, and Mediterranean cuisines for centuries. It has a rich history deeply rooted in the region’s culinary traditions. People have been harnessing the nutritional benefits and unique properties of besan flour for countless generations.

The production of besann flour involves grinding dried chickpeas into a fine powder. This process yields a versatile ingredient that can be used in numerous recipes.

Using Chickpea Flour

Now that we know the basics, let’s dive into the exciting world of cooking with this unique flour. Its mild, nutty flavour pairs well with a variety of dishes and lends a delightful texture to both sweet and savoury recipes.

Savoury recipes

In savoury recipes, besann flour serves as an excellent binder and thickener. It can be used to make delicious vegetarian fritters, such as Baja or Pakora. Indeed, its versatility extends to vegan dishes as well, where it can replace eggs as a binding agent.

Sweet recipes

But besann flour’s magic doesn’t stop at savoury dishes. It also shines in sweet treats! The gluten-free nature of chickpea flour makes it a fantastic alternative for those with dietary restrictions. 

You can use it to create the classic Mauritian Indian sweet Laddou. The dense and slightly nutty flavour of besan flour adds a unique twist to classic recipes, making them even more irresistible.

Alternatives to Besan Flour

While chickpea flour is undeniably a fantastic ingredient, it’s always good to have alternatives at hand. Here are three options to consider:

Almond Flour: Made from finely ground almonds, almond flour offers a delicate and slightly sweet flavour. It works well in both savoury and sweet recipes, making it a versatile choice.

Rice Flour: Commonly used in Asian cuisines, rice flour lends a light and crispy texture to dishes. It is an ideal substitute in batters and coatings.

Coconut Flour: Derived from dried coconut meat, coconut flour adds a subtle tropical taste to recipes. It is a fantastic option for gluten-free baking and can replace chickpea flour in many sweet recipes.

Favourite Recipes

Here are some of our favourite recipes using this flour. You can find our entire archive for chickpea flour here.

Laddou (Sweet Mauritian Besan Flour Balls)

Divali is all about sweet desserts. And they don’t get much more iconic than Laddou, Mauritius’s take on the classic Indian dessert Laddu.
Bowl of Laddou

Baja (Mauritian Chickpea Flour & Spring Onion Fritters)

Crispy on the outside, soft on the inside, and bursting with delightful flavours, Baja is sure to transport you to the bustling streets of Mauritius.
Plate of baja plain pakora

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